I am Robin Halley and I am excited to be the Extension Director/Livestock in Morgan County. I have a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership from Adams State College and a Bachelor in Ag Education with a Minor in Animal Sciences from Texas Tech University. I have been the Extension Director, 4-H Youth Development and Agriculture for Lincoln County the past three years. Prior to Extension work I was the Woodlin School’s Assistant Principal for four years and have twenty years of Ag Teacher/FFA Advisor experience.
My involvement with the 4-H program covers a 42 year period. I started as a Cloverbud and was an active member for ten years. The 4-H program was a large contributor to my college education through livestock judging scholarships both at NJC and Texas Tech. I continued to volunteer by presenting workshops at the State 4-H Conference and coaching livestock judging teams during college. I also put on several clinics, judged many county fairs across the country, and put on judging events and jackpots. I have served as a fair board member, been on sales committees, Advisor to the San Luis Valley Fair board, interview and record book judge, announcer, Rabbit/ Poultry Superintendent, 4-H project and club leader. I served as State Treasurer for Colorado Junior Swine Association, Vice President of the Lincoln County Stockman’s Association and just finishing my two year term as Treasurer for CAE4-HA.
My love of agriculture requires that I be devoted to preserving a way of life for future generations through educational development, grit, innovation, and rural economic growth. With experience in planning, coordinating, implementing, and evaluating student educational programs. I have the leadership to help ensure an active and growing 4-H program and extension service in Morgan County. I have the knowledge and communication skills to develop, market, and deliver needed programming to 4-H youth, leaders, parents, media outlets, and community members for the stockholders of Morgan County Extension. I have had great success working with diversified groups, identifying their needs for achievement. Knowing that, establishing and maintaining high-reaching standards is dependent on creating and continuing relationships and collaborating with staff, clientele, business leaders, producers, local agencies and organizations, and the many stockholders.
I hold myself to the standards of working smart, courageous, with integrity and humility. I know only of success, for failure is just a lesson on the way to success. I live my life serving rural America and preparing its youth for successful careers so they can become strong resourceful community member with a desire to serve others. I believe that I can help accomplish this as part of the credible program supported by Morgan County Extension.